Enhanced Confidence

However this theory also suggest, very logically that if we want to attend to the needs higher up the needs lower down must be satisfied first.
Enhanced Confidence
Most of you probably heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1954). Firstly, at the bottom of it we have physiological needs, for example food, drink, oxygen, and sex. Secondly and thirdly we have needs for safety, love and belongingness, which are all self-explanatory. Fourthly, esteem needs, means the esteem and respect of others but also self-esteem and self-respect. Fifthly and sixthly, cognitive needs and aesthetic needs; we like to be curious and beautiful. Seventhly, at the very top we have self-actualisation, that is, realizing oneís full potential, ìbecoming everything that one is capable of becomingî (Maslow, 1970).
This may mean the fulfillment of ambitions, the acquisition of admired skills, the steady increase of understanding about people, the universe or oneself, the development of creativeness in whatever field or, most important, the ambition to be simply a good human being.

We can assist you in identifying that something that does not allow you to reach your full potential and your dreams. This could mean that we will work on:
Confidence and self-esteem,
Stress issues,
Anger management,
Creativity blockage,
Public speaking,
Sexual problems,
Sleep problems.
As you can imagine this list of issues can be really high and complicated as Maslowís hierarch of needs combined with individual life experience. Thanks to advanced regression hypnotherapy with some strong suggestions we can find the core roots of your problem and work with them to your advantage. Depending on the issue around 3 to 5 session may be needed.